Thursday 19 July 2012

A pregnant woman can't possibly be a CEO

So there is controversy surrounding the appointment of a new CEO at Yahoo.
This would not be news... except that it's a WOMAN, and she's 6 months pregnant with her first child.

Of course when anything like this happens people make a fuss, like she doesn't deserve kids blah blah blah.

What really makes me angry is the double standards. If this was a man who's wife was 6 months pregnant with his first child no-one would batt an eyelid and the asppointment of a new CEO would barely get a mention other than in the business pages.

Why we can't butt out of other people's life decisions, I don't know.

Surely we should be celebrating the appontment of a woman, and commending her on achieving so much. Yahoo were aware of her situation, and selected her with this in mind.

This criticism is why the glass ceiling exists, and how can we expect equality in upper management and the executive if this is how we treat a woman who breaks through.

Well done Marissa Meyer. I commend you!

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